Thank you to everyone who fought long and hard to put this fire out.

Thanks to all the firefighters and volunteers who did such a great job fighting this fire and providing support services. I hope that in some small way this blog was useful in getting information to folks who needed it. Regards, Stephanie.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Martin Fire victims: warning - ozone gas dangers during recovery work

Hi Stephanie,

We are attempting to get warning to fire victims and those who sustain smoke damage from the fires: DO NOT ALLOW OZONE USE IN YOUR HOMES AFTER THE FIRE. 

In a recent letter to the editor in the Register-Pajaronian, as both a general contractor and one whose own home and possessions were damaged, my husband issues a warning to Summit Fire homeowners and renters, to not allow ozone gas use in the smoke recovery and restoration work after a fire.  We also want the Martin fire people to also be warned!

Our home in Corralitos had a fire and smoke damage several years ago. An ozone generator was brought in to "help" fix the smoke smell, and subsequently we were forced from our home due to the damage caused by the ozone gas.  We've since learned of others, both locally and thorughout the nation, who have been harmed by ozone gas generators.

Ozone is 500x more toxic than carbon monoxide, and can mix with harmless household items and make them highly toxic; it is dangereous to home and health and possessions.  Ozone is relatively inexpensive to use, with Insurance companies and restoration companies often using ozone generators often within hours of a fire ceasing. We want to get the word out quickly, spare others what we've been through by sharing what we've lived through and learned the hard way. (see attachments for full information and story).

Perhaps you might post this short version (below), Stephanie, with a link to another of your pages that might hold the longer attached warnings and informtion? I wish we had a website up and running that holds all the info. on ozone dangers in one place, but do not know how or where to do this.

Thanks you much for posting this, and for getting a webpage up and running so quickly.

with warm regards,

Kathy for all

John & Kathy Thill and family

Soquel, CA




  SUMMIT AND MARTIN FIRE VICTIMS - WARNING: Don't make the mistake of allowing your Insurance Carriers to use OZONE in your home, on your contents or personal belongings.

We own a home in Santa Cruz and have posted warnings on the 3 message boards in the Corralitos area, along with sending this info to newspapers/news agencies and websites, trying to alert homeowners and renters:

It is standard Insurance industry policy to bring in machinery that generates ozone gas in an attempt to eliminate smoke odors after a fire. DO NOT ALLOW OZONE. Ozone gas is dangerous, toxic, 500x more toxic than carbon monoxide, and it can adversely effect your family's health, home and possessions, as it did to ours.

For additional information on ozone see:

with regards,

John Thill and family
WORK: 831-475-6639
HOME/personal email:

For full letter: Register-Pajaronian article,

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